Fake or real move of God?

We may have heard about the Asbury revival and maybe also saw the questions and concerns that many Christian leaders had. Is real? Is it God? Is this a real move of God? Now I’m not here to give “my take” on it but I want to share some thoughts that can help distinguish if you are experiencing a move of God in your midst. 

Throughout history, there have been many instances of people claiming to experience a “move of God.” However, not all of these claims are genuine, and it can be challenging to distinguish a real move of God from a fake one. In this blog, we will explore the differences between a real move of God and a fake one.

A real move of God is characterized by a deep and genuine sense of spiritual renewal and transformation. It is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that brings about radical change in the hearts and lives of individuals, communities, and even nations. A real move of God leads people to repentance, to a greater love for God and one another, and to a desire to share the good news of the gospel with others.

On the other hand, a fake move of God is often characterized by hype, sensationalism, and manipulation. It is usually driven by the desire for fame, power, or money, and it often promotes a distorted or watered-down version of the gospel. A fake move of God may produce temporary emotional experiences, but it does not result in lasting spiritual transformation.

One way to distinguish between a real move of God and a fake one is to look at the fruits that it produces. In the Bible, Jesus said, “You will know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16). A real move of God will produce good fruits, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). It will also result in genuine spiritual growth, unity, and outreach to others.

On the other hand, a fake move of God may produce bad fruits, such as pride, division, greed, or even immorality. It may also result in spiritual stagnation, confusion, or disillusionment. A fake move of God may attract people who are seeking emotional experiences or instant gratification, but it does not lead to genuine spiritual growth or lasting transformation.

Another way to distinguish between a real move of God and a fake one is to examine its foundation. A real move of God is built on the solid foundation of the Word of God, which is the source of truth, wisdom, and power. It is centered on the person of Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). It is also guided by the Holy Spirit, who is the comforter, counselor, and teacher of God’s people (John 14:26).

On the other hand, a fake move of God may be built on the shaky foundation of human opinions, traditions, or emotions. It may emphasize experiences, feelings, or signs and wonders over the truth and authority of God’s Word. A fake move of God may also lack the discernment and guidance of the Holy Spirit, leading to confusion, error, or even deception.

A real move of God is a powerful and life-changing experience that brings about genuine spiritual renewal and transformation. It is built on the solid foundation of God’s Word, centered on the person of Jesus Christ, and guided by the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, a fake move of God is often characterized by hype, sensationalism, and manipulation. It may produce temporary emotional experiences but does not result in lasting spiritual transformation. As believers, we need to be discerning and seek the genuine move of God that leads us to a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him.